Perhaps you didn't
have better choices
But the choice not
to is always there
Then you swim for
a while
Then you start to
And when you are
fed up with it and want to walk away, it is yourself who don't want to just go
and try to find a proper ending for it. You know exactly what you have to do to
get out, but you don't. OMG, there are so many other shit things that look so
appealing compared to this.
But sometimes, fortunately only sometimes, the waiting to act makes you be further away from the exit.
That’s it. A sour-sweet love, where the sweet comes from your blood and the sour from your tears.
*Nicoletta Ceccoli
Now you can listen to it:
But sometimes, fortunately only sometimes, the waiting to act makes you be further away from the exit.
That’s it. A sour-sweet love, where the sweet comes from your blood and the sour from your tears.
*Nicoletta Ceccoli
Now you can listen to it: