jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009


No ha servido escucharlas varias veces, no ha servido buscarlas para seguir escuchándola fuera del coche. No ha servido escucharlas varias veces más. No se van. Ni aprenderme la letra para no cantar siempre el mismo trozo. Eso sólo hace que sea menos agónico, pero no te las quita de la cabeza. ¿Y si las publico? No me quitará la fica, pero el mal compartido es menos y mal de muchos consuelo de tontos...

Sé que és molt difícil aguantar-me sa ressaca i que és dilluns
de gelocatil i cafeïna, arrancarem almanco avui.
Senyoreta, m'estimi amb molta força i primavera
a certa circumstància i perfil, Xangai no és Pequín.
I és només quan som una piltrafa que m'escric i me dibuix,
sé que per tu i jo una línea recta mos separa sempre junts.
Senyoreta, m'estimi amb molta força i primavera
a certa circumstància i perfil, Xangai no és Pequín.
Senyoreta, ca meva s'abandona i no ho supera,
"su asiento en posición vertical", Pequín no és Xangai.
Senyoreta, m'estimi com s'estima en es cinema
a certa circumstància i perfil, Xangai no és Pequín.
Senyoreta, neons i cosmopolis a tebeos
de sushi, Panasonic total, Tokio m'és igual.

Tokio m'és igual, Antònia Font

I'll always be by your side

Even when you're down and out
I just wanted to be your housewife
All i wanted was to be your housewife
I'll iron your clothes
I'll shine your shoes
I'll make your bed
And cook your food
I'll never cheat
I'll be the best girl you'll ever meet
And for a diamond ring
I'll do these kinds of things
I'll scrub your floor
Never be a bore
I'll tuck you in
I do not snore
I'd wear your black eyes
Bake you apple pies
I don't ask why
And I trys not to crys
I'll always be by your side
Even when you're down and out
And its nearly midnight
And all i want with my life
Is to be a housewife
Is to be a housewife
'Cause it's nearly midnight
And all i want with my life
Is to die a housewife
Is to die a housewife

By your side, Cocorosie

Born illegitimately

To a whore, most likely
He became an orphan
Oh what a lovely orphan he was
Sent to the reformatory
Ten years old, was his first glory
Got caught stealing from a nun
Now his love story had begun
Thirty years he spent wandering
A devil's child with dove wings
He went to prison
In every country he set foot in
Oh how he loved prison
How awfully lovely was prison
All those beautiful boys
Pimps and queens and criminal queers
All those beautiful boys
Tattoos of ships and tattoos of tears
His greatest love was executed
The pure romance was undisputed
Angelic hoodlums and holy ones
Angelic hoodlums and holy ones

Beautiful boyz, Cocorosie

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Gracias por comentar, ¡vuelve cuando quieras!
Las puertas están abiertas*.

*Por eso, aunque "¡Vamos a morir todos!" no tiene que ser todavía.